Two of the workshops take place in long-established
collective houses in east Vancouver, and all three
are Facilitated by folks who live in collective houses.
Join us to learn about ways we live together that promote
health, happiness, connectedness and sustainability.
Advance Registration recommended, as space is limited.
Saturday, March 3 2012
morning 9:30 - 12:30
Allison Prime is a sustainability educator, teacher, guide and facilitator who lives at a collective house called cherry tree fort. She is passionate about collective living and loves sharing her passion with the world.
Sara Ross (aka RedSara) lives at the Beehive Collective House, and loves the connections and practical life support it provides day to day. She is a community artist and organizer, and facilitates collectives, workshops and bike rides. She loves to support and work for positive change in herself and in the world, and is endlessly inspired by birds, bicycles, her family, and the Pacific Northwest.
Saturday, March 3 2012
NOTE: Location has 10 to 15 stairs to enter.
Travis Clyne has lived in the Beehive Collective House for 3 years. Previously he has cycled to, and lived at other intentional communities and eco-villages. He loves the efficiency and joy of living in a supportive community and sharing common resources. When Travis is not turning the Beehive compost, he practices outdoor sustainability education with folks of all ages.
Sara Ross (aka RedSara) lives at the Beehive Collective House, and loves the connections and practical life support it provides day to day. She is a community artist and organizer, and facilitates collectives, workshops and bike rides. She loves to support and work for positive change in herself and in the world, and is endlessly inspired by birds, bicycles, her family, and the Pacific Northwest.
Saturday, March 10 2012
What might it look like to be an ally through a housemate's transition? What does "gender balance" in a house mean when gender is complicated? Explore these questions and more, and help to create a toolkit on gender and sexuality to take back to your house and community.
1720 Grant St, at Commercial Drive in the Mosaic Community Room
NOTE: Location is fully accessible including washrooms.